End animal testing in the United States

  • van: Kim Trupiano
  • ontvanger: James C. Foster, CEO, Charles River Laboratories; Joseph Herring, CEO, Covenance; Sheri McCoy, CEO, Avon; Kenneth C. Frazier, CEO, Merck; Takeshi KC Yamakawa, CEO, Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories USA; Mike Addy, Tier 1 Group, LLC; Edison Liu, CEO,

Recently I was shocked and saddened by a series of videos that I watched on PETA.org that showed helpless animals, particularly monkeys, dogs, cats and mice, that have been sold to a number of nefarious laboratory "testing" companies that are performing unnecessary and cruel experiments on our most trusting and believed companion animals and those sweet primates closest to us.  If you could see their faces full of fear and vulnerability as they are strapped down, experimented on, drugged, dissected, poisoned, injected and all in the name of research - which is totally unnecessary and completely without merit.  Join me and millions of other people around the world and many other nations who abhor animal testing as much as you do to send a message to those comapnies that buy, sell, transport, capture, breed and ultimately experiment, harm, abuse, maim and kill kind, sweet and trusting animals around the world for no real benefit other than monetary reward.  Stand up for the animals that cannot speak for themselves.  

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