Legalize Fireworks In Massachusetts

We are hereby petitioning for the Legalization of Fireworks in Massachusetts, so that we can celebrate our freedom and independence just live 46 other state already are doing. Rhode Island was the latest state to Legalize Fireworks, in June 2010. Leaving New York being the only state that borders Massachusetts that still bans Fireworks Completely. Massachusetts Citizens will continue to go to surrounding state such as NH, VT, CT, and now RI to buy Fireworks anyway, we should Legalize them here at reap the benefits of the increased revenue the state will make as a result. We should just have some common sense guidelines put in place, such as setting an age restriction such as 18 to buy, use and posses Fireworks. More and more state are now Legalizing some forms of Consumer Fireworks, for instance 10 years ago, there were 10 state all banned all Fireworks, today in 2010, it is down to 4, and that is MA, NY, NJ,and DE, all other states have some legal from of Consumer Fireworks. The Legislature must realize that now is the time fro Massachusetts to Legalize Fireworks so we can have the Freedom to Celebrate our grate nations independence the way it was meant to be, with illuminations all across the nation, I do know something along those lines was said during the signing of the declaration of independence.
We are hereby petitioning for the Legalization of at least some types of "class c" Consumer Fireworks here in Massachusetts. Most other states (Currently 46 States) now that some Fireworks are legal in Rhode Island, allow some from of Consumer Fireworks. The only state left that ban all types of Consumer Fireworks are MA, NY, NJ, and DE. It had been said that RI alone will generate $1 Million in new revenue each year due to Fireworks Sales. And considering RI is a very small state, think about what MA could generate. Why not Legalize and TAX Fireworks Sales here in Massachusetts, and generate loads of new revenue. Plus Fireworks sales have Skyrocketed over the last decade, and yet Fireworks Related Injuries are down dramatically (70%) or more. This could only mean one of two things, Fireworks are getting safer, or people are being smart while using them, or both. and it has been said, more than 50% of Fireworks related injuries are to those under 15, so therefor it would be logical to limit Fireworks for adult purchase and use only. And I have also read that Bicycles and Motorcycles are the most dangerous consumer product on the market, yet they are still legal. Lets have some Sense, Let Legalize Fireworks, for the good of the state.
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