Demand Justice for Wyoming's publicly tortured and executed wolf

    From the Cowboy State Daily
    "Gov. Mark Gordon and Wyoming Game and Fish Director Brian Nesvik are publicly condemning the alleged torment of a wolf in Sublette County, while wildlife advocate and animal rights groups continue to call for stronger responses and stiffer penalties.
    Reach out to the Wyoming Fish and Game department urging them to take action at the highest levels.

    The outrage and condemnation of the Feb. 29 incident peaked over the weekend when Cowboy State Daily obtained and published a photo of a Sublette County man posing with the wolf with its muzzled taped shut.

    “Cruelty to any wildlife is absolutely unacceptable. This is not the way anyone should treat any animal,” Gordon said in a statement issued from his office Monday.

    Nesvik called the alleged capture and torment of the wolf “disgusting” during a telephone interview with Cowboy State Daily early that morning.

    Meanwhile, some animal rights activists continue to call for stiffer penalties against the man, who was fined $250 for illegal possession of a live wolf in connection with the incident in Daniel, Wyoming.

    Wane Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action, said Cody Roberts of Daniel, who was ticketed by wildlife officials that day and alleged to be the man shown posing in a photo with a wolf that had its muzzle taped shut, should face felony charges.

    “Cody Roberts needs to be arrested for animal cruelty,” Pacelle said in a statement released jointly Monday by his group and the Center for a Humane Economy.

    According to accounts of the events Feb. 29, Roberts ran a wolf down with a snowmobile and disabled it, then taped its mouth shut before taking it to his residence, showing it off at a local bar and then finally taking it behind the bar and killing it."
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