Since 2018, Three Lethal Injections Have Failed in Alabama

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Alabama State Legislature

For the third time in less than five years, a lethal injection has failed in the state of Alabama. Even the state's last completed execution this past summer was delayed by three hours because of a problem with an IV line. A botched lethal injection is torture – and is one of the many reason why the death penalty must be abolished for good!

Sign now to demand Alabama legislators finally abolish the death penalty once and for all!

There have been two botched lethal injections in the state in the past two months alone.  Alabama governor Kay Ivey is ordering a halt on executions and review of the state's death penalty system before any more inmates are killed. But a halt isn't enough.The death penalty must be abolished for good in the state of Alabama!

If civilians killing one another is against the law, state sanctioned murder should be against the law, too. And while no federal law against the death penalty exists, states must take responsibility and abolish this barbaric practice. 

A ban on the death penalty is long overdue! Sign the petition now to tell Alabama legislators: end this torturous practice! Abolish the death penalty for good!
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