Help Save the Endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox

The San Joaquin kit fox lives particularly in the San Joaquin Valley in Central California. Prior to the 1930s, the kit fox had a large population in the valley, but right now the San Joaquin kit fox is one of the most endangered species in California.
Due to changes in its environment, such as people beginning to convert grasslands to farms, orchards, and cities; the kit fox could not adapt as fast as its environment was changing and this led its decrease in population. Its preferable habitat consists of flat grasslands and now its habitat is full of farms, houses, and roads. Currently, there are fewer than 7,000 San Joaquin kit foxes left in California. The fox is at such a low population because of its troubles adapting to this growing urbanization where it is harder for the foxes to find food and mate. The long California droughts are also a reason for why the population of foxes is so low; reduced rainfall in the valley leads to higher temperatures ang changes to its geography.
Humans are the reason why this species is struggling, so we owe it to them to give them a helping hand. One solution that can help restore some of its population would be to relocate the species somewhere with a similar environment to the San Joaquin Valley. Another solution would be to protect remaining grasslands that still exist in the San Joaquin Valley, from being urbanized and use it as a small reservation of space for the foxes to live and reproduce.
Sign this petition to show the California Department of Fish and Wildlife that something needs to be done to help the kit fox, the department put the fox on the endangered species list in the 1950s but has not done anything to help increase its population.

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