Tell the State Department to release Gray Ladies Chapel to National D-Day Memorial

We The American People, petition the Department of State, for a letter
of release, to donate the former Gray Ladies Chapel; to the National D-Day
Memorial. We believe that this historic Army chapel must be kept in active service,
to honor God, and our wartime fallen.

A national fund drive will be launched to relocate this sacred sanctuary, with no expense to the United States Government. This project will unify our great nation, and educate the public to the cost of war; as we commemorate the one hundred year conclusion of World War One.

We The American People, petition the Department of State, for a letter

of release, to donate the former Gray Ladies Chapel; to the National D-Day

Memorial. We believe that this historic Army chapel must be kept in active service,

to honor God, and our wartime fallen. A national fund drive will be launched

to relocate this sacred sanctuary, with no expense to the United States

Government. This project will unify our great nation, and educate the public to the

cost of war; as we commemorate the one hundred year conclusion of World War


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