Tell Congress to leave wolves alone.

U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) recently introduced a bill to strip federal protection from wolves in Wyoming, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. This bill is an ugly political ploy that will result in the deaths of thousands of wolves and do serious damage to one of the America's most important endangered species success stories.

In response to lawsuits from the Center and allies, federal judges overturned a series of bad decisions to prematurely remove Endangered Species Act protection from wolves. But with language explicitly preventing further judicial review, the new bill would reverse these court orders, end federal wolf protections, and undermine the basic rule of law and the rights of citizens to challenge illegal government actions wherever they occur.

That means that such cruel hunting methods as steel-jaw leghold traps, strangulation snares and even packs of dogs could be unleashed on wolves in Wyoming and the Great Lakes region.

Tell your representatives in Congress that you won't stand for it. Urge them to vote no on H.R. 424 and S. 164 and let science and law govern wolf recovery, not politics.more

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