Demand Justice for animals.Demand state government to endorse independant Inspectors NOW!

  • van: Barrie tapp
  • ontvanger: All animal lovers .The sad tale of the poor horse in the added picture should have been avoided but it wasnt and it suffered as it was down for over 5 days!

Because of the "conflict of interest" &, in particular this state of Victoria departments that are set up for the protection of animals  & of which are endorsed and run by the state government and their code of practices set up by the government are useless in defence! "Conflict of interest"? You bet.Independant Inspectors should be employed for, to enforce the existing acts of parliament (The prevention of cruelty to animals act) within the code of practices and to be completely autonomous  and without fear nor favour as at present government inspectors appear to be there for thepromotion of production only.! 

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