Stop animal cruelty

Surabaya zoo is the biggest zoo in Indonesia, but it's not only the biggest - it's the worst zoo ever. To feed all animals it needs 1 million dollars a year, but the owners say that they don't have enough. Animals in this zoo are never checked by veterinarians and visitors of this zoo always throw garbage to the animals. Every month because of hunger or sicknesses die about 25 animals. Recently there died a giraffe named Clifon, after the autopsy vets found out that he died because of cellophane(about 30kg)which they found in his stomach. A lot of animals die in this zoo every month because of hunger. After that owners of the zoo sell their skin in the market. This zoo makes 5 million dollars a year. Pictures I saw on the Internet are horrible. Animals are not toys. They are our friends.This must be stopped. 

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