Nosey the Elephant Needs Your Help in Minnesota!

  • van: Corinne Lewis
  • ontvanger: The Aad Shrine Circus in Bemidji and Duluth, Minnesota

We've just learned that the suffering elephant Nosey (aka "Tiny") is appearing with the Aad Shrine Circus in Bemidji and Duluth, Minnesota, this week, despite abundant evidence of exhibitor Hugo "Tommy" Liebel's decades-long neglect of her. Please join PETA in urging the Aad Shriners and the circus venue to cancel Nosey's appearances immediately.

Last year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ordered Liebel to pay a penalty to settle nearly three dozen charges of violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act, most of them related to his mistreatment of Nosey, including repeatedly chaining her so tightly that she could barely move and denying her necessary veterinary care. Click here to learn more about Liebel's unrelenting neglect of Nosey's health and well-being.

Please urge the Aad Shriners and the circus venue to make the prudent and compassionate decision to cancel appearances of Nosey immediately.

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