Save Chicks from Needless Death

Each year many chicks die in the hands of the post office due to their lack of concern. USPS is the only way to ship chicks and they only offer two day delivery. These shipments are not scanned well and if late they often have no idea where they are and do not even offer the possibility for you to pick them up and care for them. When cats and dogs are shipped via an airline they receive food and water in the event of a delay, chicks are living animals too and should receive the same treatment. Delta recently has been criticized for loosing 35 cats and dogs last year, the USPS can loose up to 100 chicks in a single shipment if they are neglected. If the USPS is willing to take these animals and ship them then they need to also take responsibility for them if there is a delay. Please sign the petition below and tell the USPS that chicks are animals not items.
 We the undersigned request that you care for the chicks you ship. Many chicks die in the hands of the United States Post Office due to poor tracking and delayed shipments. Better tracking with the option to have the recipient pick them up could save many lives. The sender should be required to attach "grow-gel" which provides both nutrients and hydration, or a small bag of feed and a container for water that, in the event of a delay, the birds can be offered. This is required for cats and dogs that are shipped through other companies and it should be required for chicks under your care. Up to one hundred chicks can die in one late shipment from you, and often many of those deaths could be avoided by simply taking the moment to offer the animals food and water. Please reconsider your methods of shipping live animals, saving many lives and pleasing many customers with your care.
 We look forward to hearing your response. Thank you for your time.
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petitie tekenen


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