Remove McCarthy as Leader for his role in the January 6th insurrection!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: The United States Congress

Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, likely the next House Speaker, did our democracy a grave disservice by "boycotting" the January 6th committee. Staff who experienced the deadly insurrection from inside the Capitol are recounting their traumas, including Capitol Officer Fanone who was beaten unconscious by insurrectionists fueled by conservative propaganda.

No matter the reason why GOP members are ignoring the gravity of the events, whether it be out of guilt or apathy, they must face the consequences of their actions. Our leaders must renounce this fatal attack on democracy and all who enabled it, including Kevin McCarthy.  

Add your name to call for Kevin McCarthy to be removed as Minority Leader due to his complicity in the January 6th insurrection!

While democrats investigate the happenings of January 6th and provide space for victims to recount their stories, GOP members have ignored their harrowing accounts or renounced them as fiction. Having insurrectionists like Kevin McCarthy in positions of power within our legislative body sets a dangerous precedent for our future.

Our leaders must have the trust of the people, and January 6th apologists like McCarthy no longer have it. Sign here to demand McCarthy be removed from his Leadership position!

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