We need energy solutions that don't permanently damage communities!

New York State and the electric transmission developers want to build 153 miles of high-voltage overhead electrical transmission lines on towers as high as 165 feet – running from Oneida to Pleasant Valley – traversing 24 towns in the Hudson Valley. This NYS “Energy Highway” will impact friends & residents of the Hudson Valley with the threat of possible eminent domain, home price devaluation, health and environmental damage, diminished farmland and despoiled viewsheds. It is up to us to make sure any necessary transmission additions or modifications are done right.

This potential harm to the Hudson Valley and its historic and natural resources will be around for the next century, undermining a growing tourism economy and locking New York into a system of energy delivery which may not serve New York State’s future needs.

The people of New York expect and deserve the best!

Please add your name and voice to this crucial fight by signing this petition.

To: Governor Andrew Cuomo, PSC Chair Audrey Zibelman, and NY Legislative Representatives

In the matter of Case # T-13-0488 (Leeds to Pleasant Valley) & all similar NYS transmission proposals

  1. We will only support proposals that honor the beauty, natural integrity and historical legacy of the Hudson Valley.  The choices made now will impact our children and our children’s children.
  2. We will only support proposals that reflect state-of-the-art technology and execution (such as new, cost effective underground AC transmission technology already in use in other parts of NY State) and which include greater emphasis on energy efficiency and conservation.
  3. We will only support proposals that include a clear cost-benefit analysis and outline specific independently proven need.

To: Governor Andrew Cuomo, PSC Chair Audrey Zibelman, and NY Legislative Representatives

In the matter of Case # T-13-0488 (Leeds to Pleasant Valley) & all similar NYS transmission proposals

  1. We will only support proposals that honor the beauty, natural integrity and historical legacy of the Hudson Valley.  The choices made now will impact our children and our children’s children.

  2. We will only support proposals that reflect state-of-the-art technology and execution (such as new, cost effective underground AC transmission technology already in use in other parts of NY State) and which include greater emphasis on energy efficiency and conservation.

  3. We will only support proposals that include a clear cost-benefit analysis and outline specific independently proven need.

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