Save Penguins - Stop China's Overfishing!

  • van: Lynn Hamilton
  • ontvanger: State Council of the People's Republic of China
Fish are the world's most sustainable form of protein — but only if countries agree to monitor and regulate the size of their fish stocks.

The fishing industry in China has grown to ten times the size of the United States', and many species of fish are threatened by this unchecked growth. Several agencies suspect that China is underreporting its total fish harvest and conducting illegal fishing expeditions. China also announced last year they wanted to increase their krill harvest in Antarctica from 32,000 tonnes to 2 million tonnes — a move that would severely deplete the primary food source for penguins and other Antarctic wildlife.

Please join me and ask the State Council of China to establish quotas and regulate China's fishing industry!

Dear State Council:

I am extremely concerned about the rapid and unchecked growth of your fishing industry. It appears your fish harvest is ten times that of the United States', and without regulation many species of fish are threatened by this quick and massive growth.

There is also troubling evidence to suggest that you are not accurately reporting your fish take to the United Nations. Overfishing has the potential to deplete many fish species on which the entire world relies. I am especially worried about your harvesting of krill, a species which feeds much wildlife.

[your comment here]

Please establish quotas for pounds of fish caught, and establish no-fishing off seasons for those fish species that are most vulnerable.


[your name]

Update #18 jaar geleden
Thank you so much, your signatures have been delivered to the decision maker. Keep up the pressure, your voice matters!
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