Due to the following factors -- climate change; global warming; overuse of pesticides, insecticides, and/or herbicides; loss of habitat; invasive species; migration disturbances; intensification of agriculture; etc.. -- songbird numbers are diminishing.
Pledge to protect songbirds.
1. Buy bird-safe coffee. (Purchase shade coffee that is organic and fairly traded.)
2. Buy organic fruit such as bananas and pineapple.
3. Buy products such as wood and paper that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
4. Buy recycled paper products that are not bleached with chlorine.
5. Turn off lights at night in the city and in homes during peak migration periods.
6. Recycle plastic products.
7. Create a more bird-friendly environment in your backyard by adding native plants, a bird bath, and bird feeders.
8. Keep house cats indoors.
Pledge and Make a Commitment to Protect Songbirds.