Demand an immediate end to the abhorrent practice of skinning animals alive in China

  • van: Regina Clayton
  • ontvanger: Chinese Government, British Government and all British retailers who import Chinese goods

China is continuing to skin alive cats and dogs and other animals purely for their fur. The animals are fully alive during the skinning process and even when skinned are not always killed but the still live animals in absolute agony are dumped on a pile to slowly die. Every person who considers themselves an animal lover must sign this petition. It is a barbaric practice, the animals suffer terrifically. Even cavemen killed the animal before skinning. Please stop buying anything made in China, look at labels in stores, make a protest. Even if buying anything that purports not to be real fur, such as animal toys even, ask the question of the store where it was made, what fur is it.  We must do all we can because if we simply look away we are condoning this torturous practice. You may not want to watch the videos of live skinning but believe me, doing so will make you want to take action. Please if you care share this with everyone you know, not just on line.

Update #110 jaar geleden
A big thank you to everyone who has so far signed this petition. Unfortunately, it is not receiving anywhere near as many signatures as I had hoped for and so far we have only 205 signatures. I implore you all to re-share with your friends and colleagues on all social media sites and elsewhere. Thank you so much.
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