A Cruise Ship Hit and Killed an Endangered Whale. Demand Justice!

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

An innocent endangered sei whale tragically lost its life in a horrific way – it was killed by a cruise ship. Authorities discovered its body draped across the bow of the ship when it entered New York City's harbor. This devastating incident underscores the critical threats these magnificent creatures face from large ships disrupting their habitats.

Sign the petition to urge the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to enforce stricter regulations on cruise ship routes and speeds in areas frequented by endangered whales!

The sei whale, a protected species and one of the largest whale species. Despite existing regulations aimed at preventing such collisions, the measures in place are clearly insufficient, as this sad event demonstrates.

While an examination is still taking place to confirm the whale was alive before being hit by the cruise ship, the ship should not have collided with it at all. The increasing frequency of these incidents signals a pressing need for NOAA to reassess and strengthen the protective measures governing marine traffic. Enhanced monitoring and stricter compliance are essential to safeguard our endangered sea life.

Sign this petition to call on NOAA to implement rigorous safeguards that prevent cruise ships and other large vessels from threatening the very existence of endangered whale species in their natural habitats.

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