Stop Dogs and Cats meat trade in Vietnam

  • van: artem m
  • ontvanger: President of the Republic of Vietnam Nguyễn Phú Trọng, Embassy Representative and Minister of Culture.

The dog meat trade has come under scrutiny in recent years, but cats who are similarly abused haven't gotten as much attention. In this brutal yet thriving trade, cats are crammed into wire cages and transported into Vietnam, where cat meat is popular. Though many are strays, a large number are also beloved pets who have been stolen, still wearing their collars.
It is illegal to consume cats in Vietnam, but even the officials supposed to enforce the law break it - and eat them "for luck." Tell the current Vietnamese Ministers of Health, Agriculture and Rural Development, and Industry and Trade to put a real stop to the illegal cat meat trade. Eating a cat is cruel, will not bring you luck or make you more agile, and could seriously harm your health.
Groups of cats are transported in sacks, and because "tough" meat is desirable, cats are terrified and tortured prior to inhumane butchering. Some restaurants cram living cats into cages, so that consumers can pick which one to eat. Then they are boiled alive in hot water. One cat butcher boasted of killing 31 cats in one day for his restaurant. This is barbaric cruelty toward intelligent, sensitive, and innocent pets. The meat is sold as an expensive "delicacy" labeled "little tiger." Locals eat cat meat at the beginning of the month and year for good luck, or believing that it will bring strength and agility. But the unregulated meat can be deadly, exposing people who eat it to diseases including toxoplasmosis, E. coli, and rabies. The meat is sold as an expensive "delicacy" labeled "little tiger." Locals eat cat meat at the beginning of the month and year for good luck, or believing that it will bring strength and agility.
Sign now and demand this gruesome meat trade be ended for good. Like dogs, cats are meant to be our friends - not dinner. Please enact a ban on cat and dog meat consumption and on the torture of animals

Thank you

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