Tell Home Shopping Network to Remove Leather purses & fur from their Clothing Line!

Home Shopping Network (HSN) is an American broadcast, basic cable and satellite television network that is owned by HSN, Inc. (NASDAQ: HSNI), which also owns catalog company Cornerstone Brands. Based in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States, the home shopping channel has former and current sister channels in several other countries. HSN also has an online outlet at
Mindy Grossman is the current CEO of the company. She became CEO of HSN in 2006, and aggressively reinvented and relaunched the brand. She took HSN public in 2008, and currently oversees its multi-billion-dollar retail portfolio and multimedia expansion.

It has come to my attention that (HSN) is selling fur & leather purses. Unfortunately they shockingly released a clothing line that features them selling fur & leather purses. Last night I heard them say you don't have to go to south Africa you can buy it right here. Please sign the petition to urge Mindy Grossman CEO & Home Shopping Network to stop selling any animal products on their channel!!!

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