Stop murdering our pets at shelters

Every year milions of surrendered pets die in Animal shelters throughout the United States of America.
People surrender their pets for varies reasons whether it be the owner dies, natural disasters, or become homeless. Not really knowing that their family pet has less than 24 hours to live and less than 6 hours for a rescue organizations to rescue, find a foster home or get the pet adopted .
The governor can stop this act of abuse financed by taxpayers by legislation prohibiting euthanizing pets in Animal Shelters by doing like the state Arizona. It is the law that pets brought in the state of Arizona must come from a shelter. The killing and murdering of our pets must stop now today. Write your politicans and demand they pass  a NO KILL SHELTER LEGISLATION.  Be the voice for voiceless pets in Kill Shelters and help save our pets from extinction.

petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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