End Animal Suffering by Banning Wild and Exotic Animals in Traveling Shows

Animal advocates are applauding the introduction of legislation in California that could make it the next state to end circus suffering by banning wild and exotic animal performances.

The Circus Cruelty Prevention Act (SB 313), which was just introduced by Senator Ben Hueso, would make it illegal to use wild and exotic animals in traveling shows, and would leave anyone found breaking the law facing fines of up to $25,000 for each violation.

Not only was this bill introduced over concerns about animal welfare, but also about the threat performing animals pose to public safety.

Even though wild animals have been used as performers in circuses for decades, we now know so much more about what they need to be physically and psychologically healthy and there's no shortage of evidence showing that circuses can never come close to meeting those needs.

Both research and undercover investigations have exposed not only the problems inherent with keeping animals this way, denying them everything they need to thrive, but also the heartbreaking and violent abuses they're exposed to behind the scenes that range from having food withheld to being beaten and blatantly mistreated

While a number of cities in the state have already enacted bans or restrictions on the use of wild and exotic animals, a statewide ban would go much further to protect them from cruelty and exploitation, and it would send a strong message that using them as performers isn't acceptable.

Please sign and share this petition urging lawmakers in California to take a compassionate and common sense stand for animals by passing the Circus Cruelty Prevention Act.

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