Tell the US to Stop Promoting Trophy Hunting

  • van: Jamil A
  • ontvanger: Secretary of the Interior: Ryan Zinke, Joshua Winchell, of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Trump Administration wants Americans to kill more animals.

The International Wildlife Conservation Council (IWCC) might conjure images of well-meaning conservationists fighting to save animals from extinction, but it is a misnomer. In fact, the IWCC is a proposed council that will promote the slaughter of animals overseas while hiding it under the guise of conservation.

Ryan Zinke’s Department of the Interior announced last week that they hope to establish the council that will “increasing public awareness domestically regarding the conservation, wildlife law enforcement, and economic benefits that result from U.S. citizens traveling to foreign nations to engage in hunting.” In short, the government body will encourage American trophy hunters to go overseas and take their guns with them.

Foreign nations, especially in developing countries often promote hunting as a way of saving the very animals that are most at risk. In some cases endangered animals such as rhinos, lions and elephants are even offered up to the highest bidder to be summarily shot. But this “hunt-to-conserve” philosophy is flawed and has been widely panned by experts.

We have just ten days to tell the government what we think of this terrible idea. The government should not be in the business of helping hunters and governments put more pressure on endangered species. Instead, we should be leading the way in humane, common sense conservation methods and encouraging other countries to follow in our footsteps.

Sign the petition and tell Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke and Joshua Winchell, of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to abandon this horrible idea. Sign to keep America out of the international trophy hunting business.
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