Allow aesthetic trampoline use in Arrowcreek for the health and happiness of our children!!!

Residents should sign this petition because the Arrowcreek Homeowners Association is creating a "family unfriendly" environment that harms our residents children and potential "family" buyers. Arrowcreek is not a retirement community and it is made up of a large percentage of families and will continue to be comprised of family residents for many many years to come.

We acknowledge the function of the Arrowcreek Homeowners Association and we support the CC&Rs. We are all interested in maintaining the aesthetic look and feel of each of the properties in our community. However, we feel the regulation pertaining to trampoline play structures is onerous and needs to be redefined. This rule is creating a “family unfriendly” environment that is neither helpful to the children of our residents and discriminates against a large percentage of would be “family” buyers interested in purchasing a “family” home in Arrowcreek.


The individuals listed in the petition below either own and maintain aesthetic trampolines in their yards for their children’s recreation or they support their neighbors right to include such play structures in their yards. These trampolines are not “eyesores” as has been suggested. Many of them have been in existence for as long as five years with no complaints further supporting this assertion. The residents listed below support any arrowcreek neighbors right maintain aesthetic trampolines on their property.


The rules pertaining to play structures and trampolines in particular are vague. There is no clear definition of “recessed” and “hidden” and the petitioners below believe that the vague definition is being abused and aesthetic trampoline owners are being unduly targeted.  The rules need to be updated to align with other allowable property features but relaxed significantly. For example, a well-maintained trampoline that is attractive in its appearance as defined by the manufacturer and regularly repaired and maintained as needed should be allowable in almost all cases. Trampolines that are in disrepair and unsightly should fall under the scrutiny of the homeowners association and these owners should be required to make improvements to the trampoline until it meets the “relaxed aesthetic” requirement.


Aesthetic trampolines provide physical recreation that keeps our children off the couch and off their phones keeping them healthy and happy and athletic.  The creators of this document have maintained aesthetic trampolines for years without any complaints from neighborhood homeowners. Attacking aesthetic trampoline owners does not improve property values and could in fact turn away potential property buyers because of the “family” unfriendly policy. Arrow Creek is not a retirement community and will continue to have families for many many years to come who are attracted by its many appealing characteristics including the right to own an aesthetic trampoline.


The purpose of this petition is to encourage the homeowners association board members to call a special meeting of the executive board to put up for a vote for a change to the current rules making the definition more clear and relaxed for aesthetic trampoline owners allowing those who have demonstrated responsible ownership of an aesthetic trampoline to continue to maintain aesthetic trampolines and to allow future aesthetic trampolines by other homeowners.  Or, at a minimum we are requesting a variance for those trampoline owners who have purchased trampolines in the past that meet the aesthetic requirement.  With this petition we hereby request a hearing on this issue. As many of the owners below will attend the hearing to further make the case for allowing aesthetic trampoline ownership on their property.

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