The Disgusting Fur Trade Will Continue If We Don't Take Action. It's Time to Ban Fur Now!
Los Angeles is about to join an elite club, the small but growing group of cities in California that have taken the brave and morally correct step of banning the manufacture and sale of fur within their borders.
Last week, the LA City Council voted unanimously to pass a fur ban and it just needs the mayor's signature to become law. If this happens — and by most accounts, it will — LA will become the largest city in the United States to enact such a prohibition.
Joining the cities of San Francisco and West Hollywood now well over 10% of California — the world's 6th largest economy — is now fur-free. But that still leaves nearly 90% of the state still open to fur sales and fabrication. As a progressive powerhouse, California should take the hint from residents of some of its largest cities and create a statewide ban that would keep fur out of the Golden State and send a message to other states to do the same.
Please fight for a fur-free California by joining with Care2 and asking the California State Legislature and Gov. Brown to pass a state-wide fur ban.
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