Stop Valley Meat Company from slaughtering horses for meat!

  • van: B.R.S.
  • ontvanger: Ricardo De Los Santos, General Manager; Valley Meat Co. LLC Establishment 07299 M, Roswell, NM 88203

The U.S.D.A is likely to approve a horse slaughtering plant in Roswell New Mexico in the next 2 months which would allow equine meat suitable for human comsumption to be produced in the U.S. for the first time since 2007. Please sign this petition to Valley Meat letting them know you oppose such actions!

Please also contact the  National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection at  urging them "Please do not approve Valley Meat's Horse Slaughtering plant in Roswell New Mexico or any other horse slaughtering plant in the United States."

Please also visit the ASPCA advocacy center here to to quickly email and call your U.S. representative and senators. Urge them to support and cosponsor the SAFE Act (S. 541/H.R. 1094), an effective ban on the production of horse meat for human consumption that lapsed in 2011 or, if they have already signed on as cosponsors, thank them for standing up for horses.

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