Endangered Sharks Are Being Slaughtered and Sold as Food in Brazilian Markets

Sharks are incredibly important for global and local ecosystems. They help maintain a system of checks and balances, and also reduce the spread of diseases by weeding out injured or sickly marine life. Without sharks, our oceans would quickly become out of whack.

But sharks around the world are on the decline. That's partially due to hunting and killing sharks for their fins and meat. In many cases, people are eating sharks - and depleting their populations in the wild - without even realizing it. That is the case in Brazil, where poor monitoring and food labeling systems have led to consumers frequently confusing shark meat with other types of fish.

Sign the petition to demand that Brazilian lawmakers pass laws mandating stronger, clearer labeling and also set limits on the sale of sharks!

Brazil has become the #1 importer in the world of shark meat, as well as one of the top consumers. Even worse, a new study shows that vulnerable or threatened species make up 83% of the sharks and rays sold in the country. Some have even been critically endangered.

Not only is this terrible for wildlife and the environment, but it's also bad for human health. Research shows that sharks often contain high proportions of serious, toxic pollutants.

Most consumers aren't trying to eat threatened or endangered species. If packaging doesn't make it clear what type of fish they're buying, there's really no way for them to know and make an informed decision. And every consumer deserves the right to protect their health, as well as to make ethical purchasing decisions.

Luckily, lawmakers in Brazil are considering passing a series of bills that would require fishers to properly label sharks and their species "at every stage of the production chain," as well as restricting the sale of shark meat. We must encourage lawmakers to pass these important bills! Sign the petition!
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