Stop Global Warming NOW!!!

  • van: Lights Out 9999
  • ontvanger: To everybody and also to all the politicians
Hello All!
We all know that Global Warming is true and we all know that if we donīt start to act RIGHT NOW, we will reach the "point of NO RETURN" very, very soon.
So, I need YOUR HELP now (not tomorrow or "later"). Letīs talk seriously to our Goverments, even better in groups and INSIST. Only if we all agree and act together WE CAN DO IT! Together we are much stronger! I also ask to participate in another kind of the famous "Earth Hour". I started "Lights Out 9999" in the year 2007. This will be on 9th of September at 9 pm for 9 minutes (also every year!). The big difference will be that "L.O.9999" is not comercial and will be made from us together. If we are all "doing it", the chances are bigger to get heard. We should have meetings on that day. Reporters will come and ask: "Why?". Then we can ANSWER and claim our RIGHTS and WISHES. Peaceful of course. With only switching off the lights we wonīt change anything. Project "Lights Out 9999" is working very seriously from Mexico City. I am Hans Oellers, founder of "Lights Out 9999" and I try now to use "Care2" for reaching more people. I had a Channel in YouTube with 400 important videos, but it was deleted. Now I have a new one: and a website: I am currently working on a new website also, because my existing sites are only in Spanish. When itīs finish you will get informed as soon as possible.
My personal email is: Last year I had two important international - video - conferences, but there have to be more. Letīs talk. I also invite artists and other organisations to work with me together. Contact me. Spread my words and act now, if you want a safe place for future generations and join also "Lights Out 9999". The reason for this petition is to proof the Goverments that WE WANT TO SEE ACTIONS and not only listen to stuff that will take years until we see changes. We donīt have that TIME. The tecnology exists and even there is enough money for realize necesary changes. And if we hear that there is no money, just imagine how much money countries spend just for Weapons and Space Explorations. I think there are more important things to do first. And now be honest to yourself: Do you personally like to spend your money for Weapons which kill people? Iīm sure you wonīt. Now you get the point? Why our Goverments are doing things which we donīt want? We are voting for our presidents and want that they are working right. And if they are not doing their work right, it is up to us to get things right. We have to be together "pushing them" to do things right. Thats why I need your signs. As many this petition get as bigger is the chance to reach OUR goals. Sorry for my bad English. I hope my message will reach you. Thank you very much for reading. Hans Oellers
P.D. I already have changed my personal life and found the sense of life when I started to THINK about the future of our only home - Planet Earth. There is no other place to escape. Last words you can read, making "click" where it says: "Letter" - down on the picture! Thanks!

We the undersigned,
We all want a future and a healthy life and see trees and smell the flowers. We want all the best for our children. But we donīt like wars, floods, heat-waves, smog, pain, suffering and so on. So, if we really want a great life now and for the future, so why we are destroing our Planet? Why we even let it happen that our presidents donīt do what we really want that they should have to do? There are ways to save our Planet, there exist a better tecnology. There even exist the money and many millionairs who have the money and the power to change things. If we really want to survive Global Warmning and stop it, we really CAN DO IT. So, why wait and wait more and more. We are so close to reach the point of no return. Itīs up tu us to make changes. Think of all of us. You can be a part of this change. Itīs up to you. Thank you very much for reading this and I hope your heart will tell you the right decision.

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