The Grosvenor Estate, belonging to the Duke of Westminster [Hugh Grosvenor], is approximately 4,000 hectares of land to the South-East of Chester. The estate's website makes a claim of managing this land responsibly and for the protection of biodiversity [see here]. Despite this, and despite the previous Duke claiming to prohibit illegal hunting on this estate in 2004 as the Hunting Act was passed into law [see here], both the Wynnstay Hunt and the Cheshire Hounds continue to hunt wildlife on this estate.
The Cheshire Hounds and the Wynnstay Hunt have often been exposed for criminality. For one example, watch this interview with members of the public who had witnessed the Wynnstay Hunt illegally kill a fox at Poulton on 25th February 2018 after pursuing it from the estate on to a building site at Chapelhouse Farm, and then subsequently hiding the evidence when challenged. For another, watch this footage of the Cheshire Hounds clearing up the remains of an illegally killed fox on 10th September 2018. Finally, the Wynnstay Hunt again killed a fox in the garden of residents at Coddington after pursuing it off the estate grounds on 18th February 2020.
The estate has already had to ban one of the hunts from a small area of it's land. Cheshire Monitors are now calling for the estate management to act responsibly & ethically on behalf of wildlife, and prevent both fox hunts from entering the entire 4,000 hectares of this estate in the future.
We hope you will support us by signing our petition.
Thanks in advance,
Cheshire Monitors
Update #33 jaar geleden
Hi everyone! We’re nearing 70,000 signatures and have upped our target to 100,000, so if you haven’t already done so please ask your friends, family & colleagues to sign our petition for wild animals. Secondly, we have just uploaded a video showing more of the wildlife crime of the hunts using the estate, since the estate management are denying that they are supporting fox hunts. You can see the video on our Facebook page here:
Update #24 jaar geleden
As we have now past 45,000 signatures, we wanted to share another quick update with you all. Writing for the new Keep The Ban website, Rob Pownall has recently helped to highlight our campaign to a wider audience. Thank you Rob!
The Eaton Estate have not yet made any change to their hunting policy, so please keep promoting this petition amongst friends, family & colleagues.
Update #14 jaar geleden
Glen Black, writing for the Citro, has just published an article on our campaign to end illegal fox hunting (under the guise of so-called ‘trail hunting’) on the Eaton Estate. The article link is below, please share widely. Thank you!