Demand a criminal investigation into $10 million bribe to Trump by Egyptian president

Did the Egyptian president give Trump a $10 million bribe in 2016 to keep the Trump campaign from going broke? There's a heck of a lot of evidence that seems to indicate that, according to a new Washington Post investigation (as seen on Rachel Maddow's show).

In fact, the Justice Department actually opened up an investigation at that time. But Attorney General Bill Barr -- a Trump appointee -- ordered it shut down.

Add your name, and demand the Justice Department re-open the investigation.

We can't have a functioning government if the head of that government is taking bribes from other countries in exchange for doing their bidding. There is strong evidence that Trump did just that, and America and the world needs to know what happened.

Add your name, and demand the Justice Department re-open the investigation into the $10 million bribe.

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