I am outraged at Canada's bloody commercial slaughter of innocent seals. Each year, hundreds of thousands of these precious creatures were killed.
We have a responsibility to take care of our environment and the creatures that inhabit it. The Canadian seal slaughter demonstrates some of the most environmentally unsustainable and blatantly inhumane actions imaginable. We cannot allow this savage practice to continue.
It's time to end the commercial, non-aboriginal seal hunt in Canada. Since 1996, this industry has received over $50 million dollars in government funding, and continues to require financial support to operate today.
The world has said "no" to seal products, and 35 countries have already banned them. The world doesn't need seal products, and Canada doesn't need a commercial seal hunt. Canada can do better.
I am calling on the canadian Government to buy out sealing licenses, and provide real support for fishermen and communities in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. I'm not alone in my opinion: 75% of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians agree that it's time to help sealers transition into other employment.
Support for fishermen and rural communities should not be dependent on the continuation of the commercial seal hunt.
The previous government left sealers high and dry as markets for seal products disappeared. It's time for a change. It's time to stop propping up this dying industry, and help communities share in Canada's bright future.
I urge Justin Trudeau: End the commercial Seal Slaughter permanently-until you do i will boycott canadian Seafood and i will not travel to Canada.
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