Show your support for renewable energy in New Mexico

  • van: Dan M
  • ontvanger: Show the PRC you support renewable energy

Support 20by20 is a group of businesses, citizens, environmental groups and power producers who support renewable energy and the Renewable Energy Act Plan in New Mexico.

Right now New Mexico's regulators at the Public Regulation Commission need to act to insure our future. At stake is nearly 260 MWh renewable electricity, or enough to power 47,000 homes.

These renewables represent our opportunity to move away from carbon-based energy and can move us to a carbon-free world.

A new Renewable Energy Act Plan is in danger of not passing. Show your support for renewable energy by joining us today.

PNM wants to meet it goals of providing 20% renewable power by 2020. Show the PRC that you, too, support 20% by 2020. Visit us at

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