Citizens with PTSD should have access to psychological service dogs

    I've been suffering with PTSD for most of my life. My therapist believes a psychological service dog would help me gain more independence. However, health insurance will not cover the cost of or care of a psychological service dog. The only organizations that provide them at no cost only provide them to veterans or actively serving military. The cost for a civilian like myself is anywhere from $20,000-$60,000 depending on the dog's breed and the organization you go through. Plus the organizations want me, a person that doesn't drive to go there every week day for several months to train the dog myself. On disability I can't afford to pay that price or to pay someone to keep driving me back and forth. This is unacceptable health insurance companies should cover the cost to purchase any kind of service dog and organizations should bring the dogs to the disabled. Lets show the insurance companies and politicians that we're not happy with how things are.
    Update #21 jaar geleden
    I have now shared the petition with news media including CBS, NBC, ABC and my local paper. Still waiting for a response from everyone. I will keep you updated. Thanks for the support.
    Update #11 jaar geleden
    I have begun to share this petition with politicians including President Biden. We all know how busy they are so it may take some time to get a response. I will also share this petition with my health insurance company and I urge you to do the same. Patience as everyone is busy and hopefully we will hear from them soon. Thanks for the support and spreading the word.
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