Someone Stole a School's Pet Lambs and Brutally Killed Them

Teachers and students of a local school in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom thought by buying three lambs as school pets, they were saving them from danger. Unfortunately, that isn't how things turned out.

The skins of the three baby sheep, Ethel, Chunk, and Ugs — who were still so young they had to be bottle fed — were found on the side of the road. The rest of their remains were assumed to have been taken by whoever killed them.

Now the farmer, Jamie Quinn, and the rest of the school staff have the difficult task of telling the kids that their pet lambs have been brutally killed. "How do we tell children at the school about this?" they've had to wonder.

The triplets aren't the only animals that were lost in this brutal attack, a rare Lincoln Longwool sheep was also stolen. No one knows yet if it's alive or dead.

Whoever did this to these lambs must be found and punished. They have not only committed a cruel and disgusting crime but have brought tragedy to the lives of several young children.

Sign the petition and tell Humberside Police you support them 100% in their search for Ethel, Chunk and Ugs' killers. Let's make sure the perpetrators are caught and brought to justice!
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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