The populace has become educated about the horrendous abuse, neglect and misery traveling circus animals suffer and many countries, states, counties and towns have banned them as entertainment. Even the 'beloved' Ringling Bros. Circus is shutting it's doors in May 2017, due to an increasing lack of attendance at their shows. We believe Shriners International should get off the circus band wagon as well. It seems ironic that Shriners do so much work to help the Children's Hospitals but continue to use traveling animal circuses as fundraisers which only teach our children that it's O.K. to treat animals terribly for our entertainment. These same children will eventually be educated about the atrocities suffered by the animals and it may leave a bad taste in their mouth re The Shriners. We ask Shriners International to stop allowing animal circuses as fundraisers, for the animals and the children.
We ask that you disallow the use of traveling animal circuses as fundraisers in your organizations. We believe it would be a great 'show of faith' and in the best interests of The Shriners, the children and the animals in circuses. Shriners across America do great things for the kids of the Childrens Hospitals but at the same time hire these small, nasty circuses which only teach our children, who are becoming more educated about the horrors these animals suffer, that The Shriners help promote this antiquated form of entertainment. It's time Shriners International steps off the circus band wagon and join the many countries, states, counties, towns and organizations who have already done so.