55 square miles of southern Nebraska in Clay Center
are an animal concentration center
funded for the butcher industry
by the stolen taxdollars of US citizens.
Michael Mountain of earthintransition dot org
describes some of the atrocities there:
Retooling cows to produce twins instead of single calves
Retooling pigs to have litters of up to 14 piglets, many of whom are born hideously deformed
Using rape stands to study bull libido, leaving cows with broken legs and other fatal injuries
Retooling sheep to grow fine hair that falls out rather than wooly coats that need shearing
Developing sheep who don't need warm sheltering, and injecting pregnant ewes with male hormones to produce larger lambs
Locking pigs in steam chambers to test their appetites at various temperatures.
Instead of stealing from the public to fund animal agony, human meat related disease (cancer, heart disease, food poisoning, Alzheimer's, kidney breakdown, strokes, arthritis, embolisms, aneurisms etc., environmental desecration and energy waste, the USDA should be promoting vegan diet. Taxpayers are also burdnned by the cost of providing food stamps for nonvegetarians and for paying for the consequent hospitalization costs. http://pcrm.org
Why is there no public education from the Centers for Disease Control about the dangers of animal, bird and fish cadavers or their stolen eggs or dairy? The CDC bows to the trillions invested by billionaires in meatmongering and drug companies.
To the President, Senators, Representatives of the United States and to the Governor and legislature of Nebraska:
We know that animal flesh and products are a cause of more than half the annual deaths in the US, that mammal flesh is correlated to intestinal cancer, fish flesh causes stomach cancer and dairy products of animals given female hormones have been banned in Europe because of their correlation to prostate, breast, uterine, ovarian and cervical cancer. It is the reason Americans are the most overweight people in the world.
We also know that animals are in agony in most factory farms in the US and in all slaughterhouse operations.
Animal agriculture, according to a United Nations environmental panel awarded a Nobel Prize, is a more serious cause of climate change and global heating and freezing than the automobile industry. Animal agriculture is a deforesting agent and therefore one factor in tornadoes, drought, and mudslides.
The vast majority of Americans are eating less meat for health, ethical, environmental, esthetic, economic, spiritual or religious reasons.
We are asking that the Nebraska meat animal research facility on 55 square miles in southern Nebraska be permanently shut down.
Animal Rights Coalition Nine