Safe the dogs from Islamic regime in Iran

  • van: Shahla Osati
  • ontvanger: The animal rights organizations, the governments, activist and politics

Demand an end to the killings of stray dogs

Everyday de dogs are being killed by lethal injection and even by shooting them instead of vaccinating and shelter them. The city ordering group of men cruelly putting down stray dogs by injecting what seems to be acid. The animals are shown twitching in agony before they die.
Iran's morality police, usually deployed in public places, have previously cracked down on dog owners, cautioning them or confiscating their animals.

According to Islamic custom, dogs are unclean. Iranians avoid keeping them at home in general, though a minority, especially in north Tehran's wealthy districts, enjoy keeping pets.

Hardliners in Iran are particularly worried about what they call a "cultural invasion" from the west and see pet ownership, especially of dogs, as an imitation of western culture. Senior officials have previously warned citizens against dog ownership and Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, a prominent hardline cleric, has also issued a fatwa against keeping dogs.

We need your support to get international help to stop killing dogs in Iran en build more shelters in each city.

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