• van: Chris sito
  • ontvanger: Governor Chris Christie

Every week in the news there is a story of someone abusing or neglecting an animal. Most times the abuser is the owner. Our current laws don't discourage people from hurting an animal they own. Animal control officers can only do what the law allows when they handle a complaint and often must leave an animal in a bad situation because the owner has met the legal requirements and in most cases these requirements are not enough to keep the animal comfortable. Abuse comes in many shapes and sizes. Backyard dogs is the term used to describe a dog left outside all day and night and usually chained to a doghouse. Temperatures in the state of NJ in the winter can fall to below zero and in the summer can be as high as 100 degrees. Doghouses are not enough protection against these extreme temperatures and there are many cases of dogs freezing to death and/ or dieing from heatstroke. When stories of backyard dogs are told on the news or social media, emotions run deep and most people are furious and outraged. Lets change the law in NJ. Lets make it a crime to leave your dog outside all day and night. We need to be their voice! Please sign my petition and also call your local representatives and talk about this petition and demand justice for all dogs that are chained to houses in someone's yard. These animals deserve better, they deserve to be loved and taken care of properly. Help me to help them, please sign and share!!

We actually did meet our goal of 5000 but I changed it at the end because more people wanted to sign. This is such an important issue in NJ and nationwide. Everyday more and more people are getting involved in animal rescue and are fighting for better living conditions for animals. Why would you have a dog and keep it outside chained to a house 24/7? We need to show the rest of the country that our state of NJ has empathy and cares for its pets. It is cruel to keep an animal outside. Dogs are pack animals and do suffer from not only the extreme temperatures that affect our state but also from the isolation of being chained outside alone for months and years. Ordinances are being put in place in towns all over the state but we need something to cover the entire state.  

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