Stop Employers From Firing Employees

  • ontvanger: United States Congress

I have heard to many Onlyfans models being fired at their main job for having an Onlyfans account.
Needs to stop. What people do at home should never impact their life.
The only time an employee should get fired for what they do at home is when that person goes to jail and misses days of work because that person is in jail. Other than that no person should be fired for what they do at home.
An Onlyfans model should be allowed to do whatever she wants at home without being afraid that she will get fired at her main job the following day or any day.
This is why I am making this petition to stop employers from firing employees for what they do at home.
Also, employers should not be making rules for what they do outside of work.
I have heard that employers will tell their employees that they have to have a spy app installed on their phones and must be turned on even when at home so that the employer can monitor conversations they have with people outside of work as well. These 2 things are extremely illegal because one it violates their privacy and two it is discrimination.
Please sign this petition to tell employers that we have had enough and that if they don't stop firing people or monitoring them that they will be sued.
Again, please sign this petition to put an end to this toxic behavior that employers are doing and thank you.

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