Protect Camels From Abuse - End Camel Rides at Wilson County Fair!

  • ontvanger: Wilson County Fair
We’ve seen over and over again that, when animals are used for human amusement, the potential for abuse is high. A new viral video from Tennessee’s Wilson County Fair is the latest piece of evidence that we should stop using animals for entertainment.

According to the video caption, the woman who posted the video and her friend had been riding a camel when it collapsed after having worked all day under the hot sun. The handlers proceeded to whip the camel and yank on its chain, which can be seen in the video. When they finally got the camel to stand up, the handlers told the women to get back on the camel, but the women refused, having witnessed the camel’s exhaustion and abuse.

Please sign this petition demanding that the Wilson County Fair protect camels from abuse and stop offering camel rides.

Wilson County Fair has thankfully taken the video and allegations against the handlers seriously. The independent vendor in charge of the camel attraction has been dismissed and the camels were given the rest of the week off.

This is great news, but the truth remains that the camels should not be used for human entertainment. When animals are forced to work under the stressful conditions of a county fair or circus, it is difficult to ensure their well-being. We must stand up for animals and put an end to the use of animals for human amusement.

Please sign this petition letting the Wilson County Fair know that you support camels over profits and want them to stop offering camel rides today.
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