Demand Makeup Company M.A.C To Stop Testing Their Products On Animals

  • van: M.L.H
  • ontvanger: The Estée Lauder Company, owner of M.A.C Cosmetics

M.A.C Cosmetics constantly use animals in horrific circumstances to test their products before releasing to the public. Animals undergo painful experiences like drowning, poisoning, strangling and so many others. With your help, we can get the attention of M.A.C and plead them to put an end to this horrible era.

Update #28 jaar geleden
Thank you so much for 246 supporters!
Update #18 jaar geleden
It's not much, but thank you so much the 11 supporters who have already signed my petition! Thank you for your support, I know we can do this. Please alert your family and friends of this petition and the largely alarming truth about M.A.C Cosmetics
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