A deer on the side of the road in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada was injured after being hit by a vehicle.
When a Lethbridge Police Constable came upon the injured animal, he decided to put the animal out of its misery by DRIVING OVER the animal — not once, not twice, but at least four (4) times. The animal screamed in pain each time the car went over it.
Luckily, a bystander noticed the whole thing happening, and realized what the officer wasn't right. She filmed a video on her cellphone that's almost 15 minutes long. The footage starts with the officer using his truck to *slowly* run over the helpless animal as it cries out in agony. He ran it over at least four times over the course of around seven minutes. Finally, the deer tries to get up and run away, but it crashes back to the ground.
That's when the officer decides to run his vehicle back and forth over it another two times, and stop right on top of the deer.
At the end of the video, the cop finally got out of his truck, and then dragged the deer off the road and drove away. Watching the video on Global News made me sick to my stomach. I believe severe disciplinary action is in order, nothing short of TERMINATION!
The Lethbridge Police Chief says they're investigating the incident, but it's clear what needs to be done. Fire this sadistic cop now!