Pope Francis Please Speak Out Against The Horrific Ivory Trade

Most Ivory is made for religious objects.  We must tell the world it is not acceptable to make religious objects out of Ivory.  Elephants will be extinct in 10 years if we do not stop the Ivory Trade. 

Your Holiness Pope Francis,

We earnestly ask you, Most Holy Father of the Catholic Church, to speak out against the horrific ivory trade.  Most ivory is used to make religious objects. It would make a profound impact if you would please take a stand on this most important issue for the favor of the elephants, our wildlife and other endangered species. One elephant is being killed every 15 minutes. Your divine leadership in the religious and spiritual community can and will make a difference for the wildlife of our world. Many of the wildlife today were here long before mankind, which means we are their guests. We must treat them with reverence as they too were created by the same loving God that created us. We must be his hands and his heart. We ask that you spiritually guide the world regarding this critical matter of the Ivory Trade. This must be stopped to save our elephants.

With Great Reverance,

Peitioners for the Elephants

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