Write to Radio24syv And Demand They Apologize For Killing Baby Rabbit Live On Air.

On May 26th 2015, Radio24syv; located in Denmark, did the unthinkable. They took a 9 week old baby rabbit and beat it to death with a bicycle pump.
They did this, they say, to provoke debate and because of the hypocrisy in animal welfare.
Everyone, I ask that you write to Radio24syv and demand that they apologize for killing this poor, innocent rabbit. Their website is currently not functioning properly for me, so all I have is a physical mailing address.
Vester Farimagsgade 41, 1606 København, Denmark
Please, add your voice and let's do something about this atrocity.

Dear Radio24syv:

On May 26th 2015, your station commited an atrocious act. You killed an innocent

baby rabbit by beating it to death.

You did this live on the air, all in the name of provoking debate and discussing hypocrisy. There was no need for your actions. What you did was just plain murder.

I ask that you please make a public apology for what you did to that precious rabbit.


Kristine Wales.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for your signatures.
I wanted to give you all an update. I have two email addresses where you can write Radio24syv and host Asger Juhl, who killed the rabbit.
Here are the addresses:
1st email address: nyhedsredaktionen@radio24syv.dk
2nd email address: asju@radio24syv.dk
I thank everyone who was patient while I retrieved an electronic address and everyone who wrote a physical letter.
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