Demand an End to Puppy Mills in the Amish Community

The more I read of the puppy mills in the Amish communities the more sick to my stomach I get. The Amish community is said to own 20% of America's puppy mills. Five million dogs are killed in these mills which averages to 11,000 per day. These dogs are kept in filthy cages their entire lives and only used for breeding purposes. When they can no longer be bred, they are mass murdered. Some are also "debarked" which involves shoving a metal rod down their throats to keep them from barking. The Amish consider these dogs livestock so that they are able to treat them however they would like. I want an end to be put to these heinous acts toward these innocent animals. These dogs deserve to be treated with love and respect. We need to be a voice for the voiceless.

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