Virtually Adopt an Animal Imprisoned in a Lab: Support the Identity Campaign!

  • van: JD She
  • ontvanger: ALL Care2 Members

Update: the Identity Campaign is down to the last 99 cats in need of someone to be their advocate. Come on, people, we've almost found an advocate for all of them! Let's be their voice!

From The Identity Campaign, by Beagle Freedom Project:

Tens of thousands of dogs and cats are used in cruel and deadly laboratory experiments in the United States each year. Each one of the animals behind this statistic is an individual who matters. Yet in laboratories they are assigned a number and treated as though they were laboratory equipment. When they are no longer “useful” for the experiment, they are usually killed, discarded, and forgotten.

Beagle Freedom Project believes that all dogs and cats deserve Names, not Numbers, and that they have a right to a home where they will be loved and respected as an individual. We believe that dogs and cats should have an Identity, not an identification number.

If it is your dream to adopt a laboratory dog or cat and you have been waiting for an animal to find his or her freedom to be their advocate, wait no longer. Beagle Freedom Project’s Identity Campaign will empower you to adopt a laboratory dog or cat while they are still in cages and work with us to fight for their freedom.
Visit for more information.

Please note: this is a *virtual* adoption opportunity.

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