EX-Soldier lines up his trophy kills ( dogs) and brags about it on facebook

  • van: All Lives Matter
  • ontvanger: His Commander at the time this atrocity occurred .

This is conduct not befitting a soldier and no decent human being.All Lives matter. and the thread conversation spoke to the brutality using rocks for instance and also to killing many cats. This is insensitive to post this picture and the method of killing these dogs inhumane. There needs to be a full inquiry why they were killed to begin with.  the dogs and the cats are not the ENEMY!  Posting pictures like this and lining the kills up in rows is not acceptable behavior. The soldiers name is CHRIS SMITH  who CLAIMS to work at the Ft. Lee Base in Virginia U.S.A. But I received an email today from the base director of Public realtions  Mr Baker stating that "Mr. Smith is not an active-duty Soldier in the U.S. Army and does not work at Fort Lee." A false claim on belhalf of Chris Smith. Here is his facebook link and thread    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153101965241094&set=a.24925751093.37802.604401093&type=1

UPDATE:An article has been written regarding this and Chris Smith has responded and continues to respond in the comment section.https://www.thedodo.com/ex-soldier-explains-dog-photo-1323256712.html?xrs=RebelMouse_fb

Update #19 jaar geleden

Here is an article written, and he continues to comment in the comment section of the article.
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