60 days to Save Colony of 100 Healthy Prairie Dogs

  • van: Ashley Matthews
  • ontvanger: Valerie Matheson, Urban Wildlife Coordination, City of Boulder

100 healthy, prairie dogs on 2.5 acres of private land in Boulder County will be given lethal injection. The City of Boulder must be contacted for folks to voice their concerns in the next 60 days (by August 30, 2015).

If we advocate for this prairie dog colony, they can be relocated rather than exterminated.

Please sign this petition and call or email Valerie Matheson (303) 441-3004 Mathesonv@bouldercolorado.gov and ask them to humanely relocate these prairie dogs.

Update #19 jaar geleden
These prairie dogs are not in North Boulder and the City of Boulder did not apply to kill them. They are on 2.5 acres of private land. The City will not say who or where they are in Boulder. Please call and/or email Valerie Matheson with the City of Boulder to voice your concern. Mathesonv@bouldercolorado.gov 303-441-3004
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