Stokes Citizens Against Gassing

  • van: Cindy M
  • ontvanger: Stokes County Commissioner

Stokes Citizens Against Gassing, is currently petitioning our County Commissioners to ban the current method of euthanizing shelter animals in Stokes County using a gas chamber on the back of a truck or any form of gassing animals in our shelter.  We submit that we would like for the county to switch to the humane method of lethal injection which is approved by MAJOR ANIMAL WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS throughout the country!  Your opinion matters!  Our commissioners are the only ones who can stop this slow and agonizing death of the companion animals that end up in our shelter.  By signing this petition you are saying you don't want your tax dollars spent supporting this outdated and inhumane form of population control in our county.  Let it be known that Stokes is a compassionate community that performs this needed service, humanely. There is an overwhelming epidemic of pet overpopulation, be a part of the solution,

Spay or Neuter your pet!

We, the undersigned, ask for humane euthanasia at the Stokes County Animal Shelter in Germanton, North Carolina. We do not consider the gas chamber to be a humane form of death for sheltered animals. We ask that animals which are not adopted be euthanized humanely by injection of sodium pentobarbital, a method approved by all national humane organizations in the United States as the safest, least stressful, and most humane for the animals as well as shelter personnel.
Veterinarians and other experts agree that a properly injected dose of sodium pentobarbital ensures a humane death for those animals whose lives must be ended.

Inhaled carbon monoxide gas, even at low levels, can be dangerous to caretakers, causing many human health problems or even resulting in death. Furthermore, carbon monoxide gas is invisible to workers, is highly flammable, and explosive.

We have shown that THE SAFEST AND MOST HUMANE WAY TO EUTHANIZE AN ANIMAL IS BY LETHAL INJECTION. Therefore, we advocate that the shelter move from the use of inhalant gases to injectable barbiturates for routine euthanasia to ensure a humane death for those animals whose lives must be ended.
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