Remove Michigan Judge Patricia Gardner from bench

My daughter is currently being abused by a Kent County Michigan judge Patricia Gardner and FOC case worker. After many attempts to seek help from local shelters with no success, she recently packed her kids into a van and drove to Florida where her parents live to avoid her and her children living on the street. Despite informing the father she had no other option before leaving, he took her to court over parental visitation rights. Despite explaining her situation which includes no resources to return, to the judge and FOC case worker, they continue to side with her dead beat abusive ex-husband over parental visitation charging her with kid-napping when all she is trying to do is survive and keep her kids from being homeless.  They said they will pick up her and her kids in Florida and bring them back to Michigan. She is now being told since the father does not have a home for the kids, they will go into foster care and she will go to jail. Does this make sense?  Something is wrong with this judge. Somebody needs to investigate her.

Not the first time.  See links below:

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