Legalize Hemp Farming in the United States

Hemp farming is a great way to reduce our society's impact on our environment.  In one year an acre of hemp can produce the same amount of usable fiber as 4.1 acres of trees which can only be harvested every 20 years.  Hemp can replace cotton in a variety of products and is a much more ecologically sound option.  50% of all the world's pesticides are used on cotton.  Hemp is most often grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides.  There are many other reasons to legalize hemp to be farmed in the US.  For more information please visit:

We the undersigned ask that you make hemp farming legal in the United States.  There are many environmental and economic reasons to do so.  It is time for our society to start making our choices based on ecologically sound ideas.  It is important to change the direction we are headed in and leave a healthy world for future generations.  Thirty years in the future we would like to be know as the ones who changed things for the better.  Please do what is in your power to bring about this change and start by legalizing hemp farming in the United States.  Thank you for your time to read this letter and thank you for the action you take on this very important issue.
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